
2023 Indoor and Dome World Series Recap

National Slo-Pitch Athletics Enterprises Canada Inc. (NSA)

NSA Canada Slo-Pitch wishes to thank all the players, coaches, umpires

Staff, Volunteers, Cavalry Field House and the entire “Built by Players for Players” Nation

We were sold out with over 150 teams playing in our 2023 Indoor and Dome World Series Championships, Family Day Weekend

In Okotoks AB and Whitby ON.

Both events went off without incident, on time and truly were embraced like no other events in recent memory!!

A massive shout out to our marquee sponsors and NSA looks forward to seeing you all on the diamond soon as the largest World Series

Qualifying program in the nation kicks into high gear.


NSA Canada Slo-Pitch


Hey” Yall


Great Western Breweries


Lanctot Team Sports with Louisville


Smash It Sports Canada Inc.



For additional information regarding this or any other press release contact: [email protected]

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