Current Year League Registration

NSA Canada Information
Were you an NSA Canada sanctioned league last year? *
Do you already have an NSA account?
Are you an umpired league?
Name of League *
League City/Town *
League Province *
League Schedule From *
League Schedule To *
Number of Teams *
Type of League *
Coverage and Awards *
Primary Contact Information
Title *
League Executive First Name *
League Executive Last Name *
Mailing Address *
City/Town *
Province *
Postal Code *
Tel. Day *
Tel. Evening *
Cell *
Email *
Secondary Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Mailing Address
Postal Code
Tel Day
Tel Evening
Email Address
Have you read and agreed to our ToS
Fill required fields to proceed
Do you need score books? *
How many score books? *
Do you need rule books? *
How many rule books
Card Holder Name
Company Name
Postal Code
Phone Number
Credit Card Type
Credit Card Number
Expiry Date